Our little doxie Hannah had to make a trip to the vet Monday. She had a growth under her eyelid that was irritating her eye, but then on Saturday as she was chasing her ball, she caught a nail on something and nearly pulled it out! I tried to keep her quiet Sunday so she wouldn't hurt her paw any more, but you know dachshunds - they have a mind of their own. I found out just how fast Hannah can run on three legs!

At least I could treat both problems at the same time during the vet visit. They had to put her under just to be able to touch her paw, and also to remove the eyelid growth. I hated having to leave her there, but all went well except she has one less nail on one paw! She has stitches on her eyelid also, so she has to wear the dreaded cone for 2 weeks! I'll be so sick of hearing that darn plastic scraping, lol. She can't fit through the doggie door with it on, so I have to take her outside frequently. Her little paw is all bandaged up and she looks at me like "mommy, I can't walk very well, please carry me", so of course I do!
Here are some pics I took of poor little Hannah, and of Lucy our pug who is quite jealous of the attention Hannah's getting. If you look close, you can see the stitches on Hannah's eye.